What's New
Last week, I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel again, which somehow produced a new article from me about how digital TCGs have a lot of pain points that conflict with the sort of fantasy that exists around card games. This one is totally ramble mode...I hope you like it though! I have fun putting these together and just letting the writing come out.
As I'm writing this, they just revealed the Venom trailer for Guilty Gear Strive! He looks pretty awesome, not that I expected anything else. I'm pretty shocked to see Robo-Ky though! He's not my favorite character, but not so much so that I'm not happy to see him in some form. They're also fixing the god awful tower mode and putting a normal ranked mode. That's awesome! Thanks! I always play this game in spurts, so I think when that and Unika come out, I'll give it a whirl again.
I'm back with some more Transformers write-ups! Beast Machines was a wild ride, and an extremely enjoyable one at that.
Speaking of Transformers, I had a really shameful run on eBay where I won three auctions, assuming I wouldn't. Well, I get a bunch of cool toys, but I don't like to be a regular spender like that. I'm putting it on the site to humble myself. But maybe I'll review a toy or two? You probably saw Tigerhawk and Leo Convoy on my Bluesky. Tigerhawk is probably my favorite Transformer I've ever had, I think he looks super awesome in Beast Mode especially.
The Looney Tunes movie finally came out in the United States. I want to go see it, but I don't want to go alone. I'd feel bad if I didn't support the movie though!
Lastly, I haven't gone to play Pokémon TCG in a little while, mostly because of my transition. I'm planning to come back to regular play after the 2025 rotation though. So long, PokéStop!
I really missed you guys! So badly, that I stayed up all night to try and get the next post ready for you. It kept growing, but I've got a special special behind the scenes look at Deer Clicker for you! It covers a lot of what makes Deer Clicker tick. The response to the game has absolutely delighted me. Game development is amazing. Programming is also amazing, wouldn't you say?
I deeriously need to sleep, so...love y'all!
It's a special update I can hide no longer! You can now play AN ORIGINAL GAME CODED BY ME on this very website! Enter the micro-game Deer Clicker! And it DOES work on your mobile device, though it's prettiest on desktop.
Working on my first web game is something I'm so proud of, I learned so much, and I just think it's super cool to have even a simple game here on the site. Of course, I only did the programming and not the art and sound, be aware of that! I wish I made a deer sprite that good looking. I may write more about this game's production and what I learned as its own article. For now though, I can't help but want to share it. And maybe we'll do a second web game, who knows!
Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
Hi again! The last part of my Beast Wars review is here! I didn't have quite as much to say this time, but I didn't stick with my original plan to have Season 2 and 3 be one post. Heheh. Anyway, I'm happy to have that wrapped up. I have to tell you that Beast Machines is absolutely wild, and that simply has to get talked about at some point after I finish it.
I'm working on something special for the site that has never been on it before. It should be out in some form this month, but that's all I want to say until more is ready. Thank you all!
I got sick as hell last night, eugh! Which impacted my plans to bring you this article today, but I managed to power through. Beast Wars, Season Two gets my overview treatment! Now, I've gotta lie down...ough, my achin' head, as Rattrap might say.
I keep writing 2026 on all my dates. It's because I'm so far ahead in the mind wars... Not really. My obsession right now is Transformers, you can find out what's going on with that in my new Beast Wars review. This part is about just season one, and I lay out everything with the characters and some of the story. I'll be doing season two and three as well. I'm watching Beast Machines as we speak, and honestly, the way it's going I'll just have to write about that too. Hooray, more multi-part articles for me! Haha... 💦
I have a mini article today! I thought I had missed my weekly date by a lot, but it's actually only been five days...hm. I got really sick yesterday, so now my whole sense of weekend is messed up. Thankfully, I'm a lot better now. So much that I did my first HRT shot today! I'm really happy about that. Oh, yes, today I bring a new installment of Life Advice, where I offer a few of my thoughts and strategies on the difficulty of getting started. I linked to an actual psychologist's work, so even if I'm useless, hopefully I've pointed you in the right direction. Regardless, I believe in you! Good luck with whatever you're working on this weekend!
Now, I'm going to employ a strategy that works for me, but probably shouldn't be encouraged. A little treat for updating the site. Hehehe...come to Jane, little ice cream.
I'm back! Work and my transition have kept me busy, but I've been a very happy girl! At last, the the Yu Yu Hakusho retrospective continues! I guess it'll be an eight part series if we do Three Kings as two parts, which feels pretty great!
I'm almost ready to start HRT...I actually have the medicine with me, but I'm waiting on supplies in the mail. It was all really cheap and I'm super excited! Plume has been great for me, if anyone was wondering what I've been using.
This is unimportant, but last night Dr. Mario 64 was reintroduced back into the Saturday night game rotation with friends. I love that game! It's a real gem if you have some friends and like puzzle games. It's much less complex than Puyo Puyo, which I love but have remained a beginner for years.
Happy New Deer everyone! Feliz 2008! I've got a fresh new mini article for you all, about my own transition and World of Warcraft. There are some cute personal tidbits about me in here, and also I yap about Classic vs Retail. I'm really hungry, so I'm gonna post this and grab some lunch. We will link up again soon!
I've got a special Christmas Eve gift for you all! Our first ever guest article! This one is by a friend of mine, Ashe, who wanted to come on and talk about Sonic Adventure.
Maybe I'll talk about it more later, but I had an epic coming out scene right out of a movie. I sang karaoke and then made my special announcement to my workplace. It went amazingly, I'm so happy and lucky to have an amazing support network all around me.
I'm so proud that we made it to the second awards show. What? No, not that one. It's the Jane of the Year Awards 2024! That's right, my year in review is back. I nicknamed it 'Jane Wrapped' this year. And just as before, no commercials or advertisements!
I'm all signed up with Plume for hormones, which is awesome. That will be in January. I'm fighting the American health"care" system on some other things, but I'm hoping I'll have plenty of budget for new girl clothes, hair, and doctor copays. I'm really stressed about it, too...but I think I have a lot to look forward to in 2025. Thank you all for reading the site this year.
My vacation was great! I started playing World of Warcraft again, because I'm a fool. I've kind of shifted into video game mode, which I haven't for quite some time. Not that I'm ignoring my manga and other readings, mind you! I can't recommend Jason Schrier's books enough. Please check out the Blizzard one. It's a serious page turner.
As I return to being A Gamer (yikes!) I present to you my Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary review. I ended up with a lot more to say than I originally thought, but at least it's not as long as the last Pokémon article, haha. It's hard not to get sentimental about it. I'm supposed to be getting dressed for work now, so, see ya!
Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner! That usually means a lot of relaxing for me, and I've now overloaded on fun stuff to do. One of those fun things is Webfishing! Yes, I've hopped on it and I love it. A shortie post for today.
It's been two weeks now that I've gone by the name Jane and identified as transgender. I think I like it. I've even looked into hormones and stuff. We shall see what happens to me!
This week, I got really inspired because someone made the mistake (a blessing) of asking me about how Pokemon is played now, vs how it was played a very long time ago. I answered all of their questions. Consider it a kind of 'catch up' if you're unfamiliar with the game. Unfortunately for me, there's a ton of depth to the game, so it's hard to go over briefly, but I did my best to explain without throwing too much in. Some questions are tough for even me to answer!
I still have the Jane name on today. To be honest, I like it, but that's all I'll say right this moment. I don't think anyone is waiting with baited breath to see if I'm trans, which is a nice feeling.
My retrospective through Yu Yu Hakusho returns as the Chapter Black saga beings! Come see what this arc is a lot of people's favorites and what it brings to the table from the series' early days.
Also, I am trying out a new name for a few days, Jane! You will still see the boy name on some parts of the site, but that's just how it is. I may stick with it, and I may not. That's all for now! Thanksgiving approaches!

I don't have a new article today. I've been swamped with work, but I am making progress on Posts. I still wanted to take a moment to talk about the American election. The result is very upsetting, and I've kept 99% of my thoughts to myself. Everyone's reacting differently, and I won't tell you what to do. Today, I only offer some encouraging words.
If you are a queer and/or POC friend in distress, here are some phone resources that don't call the police. I saw this going around on Bluesky. Many of the lines are very busy today, unfortunately, but it is something to remember. People have also shared this DIY HRT wiki. Gender affirming care is very likely to be much less accessible (if at all) through 'official' means, so this is one to bookmark. I didn't know about this site until last week, but I'm glad I do now.
Things are scary, and not without reason. We all knew a second term would be more dangerous than the first. I also think that the fight against fascist ideas and general capitalism was going to have to continue under Harris anyway. The plan has always been to stick together, be ava;oan;e resources and support for each other, and live as best we can. Make no mistake, just like 2016, him being in power enables and validates the absolute shittiest attitudes that people might hold in your everyday life, regardless of what legislation does or doesn't make it through. This is something that extends beyond America, sadly.
I promise that people care about you. I care about you. I want to see you tomorrow, and next week, and in a few years. I'm gonna spit in the face of those exit polls and say you're not an afterthought. Let's stick together, do what we can together. We'll donate, we talk, we'll give each other rides and food, and make sure our voices can't be ignored.
Never give up!