Welcome to Emotion Engine!

by James Parker

What's New


Well well well, I've been away for a minute! That streak of work sucked. But I wasn't totally idle in terms of the site! I was able to work on a mobile layout upgrade! This has been out for a few days, but try checking out EE on your phones! You've got a lot of horizontal space back. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better.

Also, since I saw you last, we crossed 40,000 views. Thank you all so much! Oh, unrelated to that, this week I made the switch to using Visual Studio Code instead of Brackets/Phoenix Code. It is immediately way better and I highly recommend it. The Live Preview exentsion you can get for VSCode is PERFECT!

I offer a small blog post with some life advice, do not take the overnight shift! Just don't. I have many more horror stories than what I shared, but I decided to keep it simple this time.


Small update for here! I'm about to get slammed with a ton of work, so another July update may be a little late. Still, recentely Tekken Producer Katsuhiro Harada made an insightful tweet. I've decided to preserve that tweet (Twitter/X is total garbage after all!), in my own format with some added emphasis and images for readability, as well as some footnotes. Please enjoy! I may add more Harada tweets in the future, he's an amazing resource.


It's been a Guilty Gear Summer for me, which is one of my favorite fighting game series! Since I've been playing Strive lately, I thought I'd just opine and share some thoughts. I also got addicted to Cookie Clicker for a week, but the spell is broken, I'm free! I stopped feeling good at the numbers in the septendecillions. I might write about it anyway though.

It's super hot here lately, but some rain came by and has helped cool things down a little. Be safe in this summer weather!


HAPPY WRATH MONTH EVERYONE! I'm on a vacation this week (heheh!), so I've had lots of time to do whatever I want. There's been some CSS updates that should allow for a better experience in different sized windows, 4:3 users should have a slightly easier time. The mobile layout hasn't changed, but the site doesn't totally break if you look at it funny. The homepage is still janky though, but it's also a much shorter scroll as you can see! If you hit the bottom, you can see the brand new Archive page! See, I can work on things sometimes! Now if I can just beautify my menu pages, I'd be very happy.

Today's article is about the smash surprise hit, Girls Band Cry! If you haven't seen this yet, I demand that you do, onegai! I had fun putting this one together, and letting out some honest thoughts in spoiler tags. I think I should do that more often, it worked well here and in the Blaster Master article. Enjoy!


With the Ranma 1/2 remake officially underway, I thought it'd be a good time to talk about Urusei Yatsura! Specifically, the 2022 series that just wrapped up last week. This was how I got into the series, so it's time for a little bit of reflection. I'm proud of how this one came out, so I hope you like it! Nokotan starts next week, can't wait for that! And of course, I haven't made much progress on some site aesthetics...what a hack, I am! I'm very appreciative of everyone who has looked at the site, even just once!


It was my birthday over the last weekend, and I had some fun. I only like low-key birthdays, so I ate a bunch of pancakes and went shopping with a friend. Didn't buy anything! I'm the frugal type usual. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy day. More importantly, I have a little preview for you of My Deer Friend Nokotan, I started reading the manga recently and Nokotan is sooo cute! The anime is coming out in July, so now seems like the perfect time to share a few thoughts.

I haven't decided if I want to do it now or later, but a great comic topic would be that Chainsaw Man chapter. Also, it looks like Zeb Well's run on Amazing Spider-Man will be concluding within the calendar year, something else I'd like to revisit as they were the very first posts published here!


I couldn't help myself but talk about the Pokémon TCG again. The North American International Championships happened over the last weekend, and it was awesome! I took a quick moment to highlight some of the cool things that went down in the Finals. I've actually missed my locals lately due to various friend or illness related reasons. Oops! Well, next time I go, I'm gonna tear up all the Gardevoir players with Roaring Moon, heheh!

Recently, I started playing Guilty Gear Strive again. It's a lot of fun, is that something you'd like to read about? I'm on the fence, hehe. But I'll try to come back within a week or so.


Happy Pride Month everyone! I had a fun vacation recently, but I ended up getting sick towards the end and didn't work on as much stuff as I wanted. Well, today we have a new interview with Sasha, from the retro gaming fanzine Behind the Scanlines! I love doing interviews and I hope you enjoy looking over this one. If you know any interesting characters in the world of fandom or nice that you think would make a good interview, send 'em my way!


I've been waiting to put this one together for a hot minute! You can read about my very first cosplay experience! It was also what's called a 'crossplay', at least that's a fun way for me to think about it. If you've never cosplayed before and are curious what goes into preparing and wearing it, you may get something out of it!

By the way, since I've been on vacation from work, I learned about developing Genesis/Mega Drive games with something called SGDK. This is one of the most fun things I've explored recently. The tutorial series I linked is fantastic. I don't know if I can make a game proper, but we'll see. I just wanted to make you aware that you can make a game! I got as far as controlling a player sprite and having it animate in accordance with the gamepad, as part of this tutorial. I feel amazing!


A quick update today! You can read the last Final Fantasy XI diary here. It's not a terribly romantic end to my time with the game, but that's how it goes sometimes! Next time, I'm hoping to tell you all about my recent cosplay experience. I have a little more free time than usual, so you'll hopefully see that in a week or so.

Do you like the snazzy new header? I do! It's from Digimon the Movie, the Fox Kids classic.


So happy to see you all! I've been working hard at my actual job (booo!), and today's article kept growing. We also have the first video clip uploaded on the site, hooray! Read all about one of my favorite anime series: BODACIOUS SPACE PIRATES! If you read this article, you'll know everything that I know, basically! Short of watching the show itself, which you totally should!

Later today, we'll have crossed 30,000 views, to which I once again offer a hearty thank you!

I called it quits with Final Fantasy XI for now, so there will be a last diary entry. I'd like to keep writing Mage Crush, but I've had lots of stuff I want to write about as well! ♥︎ Good luck with whatever you're doing lately!


Greetings again! I spent this week working on some code stuff for the site, with some overdue updates finally getting hashed out by me. There is a new article though, I was featured on the illustrious Anime Herald! I pitched a story to the site, and was accepted. Enjoy reading about the hit success of Kagurabachi! It was an amazing experience and I can't thank AH and especially the editor of my story, Alex Henderson. I owe them my life! I really wanted to tell this story with detail, accuracy, and a professional tone, because it is an unbelievable story in the manga publishing world! So, please go check out that article, Anime Herald deserves the support, clicks, and whatever other metrics go around!

I am planning some other updates...the menus will get an overhaul soon, and if I can figure it out, I'd like to improve the mobile layout. Ever since getting my own domain name, I've felt some desire to step up the housekeeping! Be strong, everyone!


Is it May already? Goodness gracious. Well, I have some big news. First, a nice new game article. Blaster Master Zero - Story Matters! I had a lot of fun putting this together, and I'd love to talk about this series again some time.

Secondly, the site now has its own cool domain! I hope you like it! I certainly do, I feel very cool rocking it. Though my URLs are forever long due to how I organized my folder and materials. Ah, oh well!

Lastly, you probably saw the news that 123guestbook is going into read only mode on July 1st. I have already coded and worked out the page to use Ultraguest instead, and will be pushing the update sometime soon. Ultraguest has custom CSS, so I totally recommend it for that reason. I have previous guestbook posts archived as text, and would like to keep them visible somehow. So we'll see about that. A lot of you were really sweet...so, even if they disappear, I won't forget you!


I'm back a little early! I wanted to write loosely and felt like playing with the site again. Today I bring another Final Fantasy XI diary entry. I'm getting a little fantasied out right now, so I promise the next Video Games article will be something else.

I am trying to work on some extra site features. The homepage here has gotten really long, so I'm working on an "Archive" page where previous updates can be conveniently stored. I wanted collapsable menus, but I was having trouble with the code for it in CSS and Javascript (grr!), but hopefully you'll see that before too long. Bon voyage, everyone!


I really didn't think I'd get this out on time! But as always, it was fun to write and put together. But the most fun part is publishing! The next chapter of "Mage Crush" is here! Maybe someday, we'll polish it up even more and put it on Wattpad or something? I don't know, but it's pretty cool to go stealth mode like this, kehehe...enjoy~!

On an unrelated note, I've been getting back into an anime habit. Sometimes it's a bit hard for me to watch things alone, since my cat doesn't understand anime. But I got my Blu-Ray for Bodacious Space Priates and I'm watching "100 Girlfriends"...that show is ridiculous. I think I'll get evicted if the wrong person walks by. Maybe I'll do an article about it when I finish it!


Honey, it's time for another Pokémon TCG article!
"Yes, dear..."
That's right, this time I'm talking about the ACE SPEC card Neo Upper Energy! This is almost certainly the worst ACE SPEC card that we have so far, but is it all bad? As a bonus, I try to design a Pokémon card that would work well with it. All of this was a lot of fun, so I hope you feel the sense of fun too.

I am working on the next FFXI diary and another chapter of "Crush On The White Mage". Please be patient! Xoxo.


Did you enjoy the eclipse this week? I got home in time to see it, but there was no totality in my location. So, my cat and I enjoyed a little shade for a while. That's a good enough use of a cosmic event, I suppose!

A new fiction story is avaliable for your pleasure. Set in the world of Final Fantasy, I Have A Crush On The White Mage was inspired by true events! Barely, though, because it's highly fictionalized! I can't help but be drawn to those kinds of RPG stories, so I hope you enjoy!

Oh, the "Writing" section has been wisely renamed to "Fiction". All the sections have writing in them...can't I even get the basics of menus right?!


Happy April everyone! Did you see anything really funny for April Fool's Day? I doubt it! What's a girl gotta do to get a good joke around here?

A new entry in my Final Fantasy XI diary is here! This one has a focus on player interaction, something that was missing from my first few hours! A lot of cool people and experiences that can only happen in an MMORPG happened to me over the past week. I think I will write a fictionalized version of some of these events! If it amuses you half as much as it amuses me, that would be a pleasure.

